maximum observation

Surveillance of a Faster Fixed-Course Target

The maximum surveillance of a target which is holding course is considered, wherein an observer vehicle aims to maximize the time that a faster target remains within a fixed-range of the observer. This entails two coupled phases: an approach phase …

Maximum Observation of a Target by a Slower Observer in Three Dimensions

In this work, we consider a two-agent scenario consisting of an observer and non-maneuvering target. In the scenario, the observer is considered to be maneuverable and slower than the target. The observer is endowed with a nonzero radius of …

Maximum Observation of a Faster Non-Maneuvering Target by a Slower Observer

This paper considers a two agent scenario containing an observer and a non-maneuvering target. The observer is maneuverable but is slower than the course-holding target. In this scenario, the observer is endowed with a nonzero radius of observation …