Minimum Time Escape from a Circular Region of a Dubins Car

A turn-constrained evader strives to escape a circular region in minimum time.

Pursuit-Evasion on a Sphere and When It Can Be Considered Flat

Pursuit-Evasion on a Sphere and analogs to Apollonius Circle

Sampling-Based Risk-Aware Path Planning Around Dynamic Engagement Zones

Existing methods for avoiding dynamic engagement zones (EZs) and minimizing risk leverage the calculus of variations to obtain optimal paths. While such methods are deterministic, they scale poorly as the number of engagement zones increases. …

Virtual Target Selection for a Multiple-Pursuer Multiple-Evader Scenario

This paper considers an M-pursuer N-evader scenario involving virtual targets. The virtual targets serve as an intermediary target for the pursuers, allowing the pursuers to delay their final assignment to the evaders. However, upon reaching the …

Escape from an Orbiting Pursuer with a Nonzero Capture Radius

This paper explores a multi-agent containment problem, where a fast evader, modeled having constant speed and using constant heading, attempts to escape a circular containment region that is orbited by a slower pursuer with a nonzero capture radius. …

Basic Engagement Zones

This paper establishes a more formal definition for an Engagement Zone (EZ) and derives some basic EZs associated with fundamental engagement models associated with pursuit-evasion and turret-evasion. The basic EZs presented in this paper capture the …

Range-Limited Pursuit-Evasion

In pursuit-evasion the objective of the pursuer is to capture the evader. In this work, the faster pursuer is modeled to have limited range and therefore optimal strategies for the pursuer and evader change. Depending upon the range limits of the …

Determining Follower Aircraft's Optimal Trajectory in Relation to a Dynamic Formation Ring

The specific objective of this paper is to develop a tool that calculates the optimal trajectory of the follower aircraft as it completes a formation rejoin, and then maintains the formation position, defined as a ring of points, until a fixed final …

Path Planning and Energy Management of Hybrid Air Vehicles for Urban Air Mobility

A novel coupled path planning and energy management problem for a hybrid unmanned air vehicle is considered, where the hybrid vehicle is powered by a dual gas/electric system. Such an aerial robot is envisioned for use in an urban setting where noise …

The Synthesis of Optimal Control Laws Using Isaacs' Method for the Solution of Differential Games

In this paper we advocate for Isaacs' method for the solution of differential games to be applied to the solution of optimal control problems. To make the argument, the vehicle employed is Pontryagin's canonical optimal control example, which entails …